Welkom op de website van AEGEE-Groningen, dé Europese studentenreisvereniging van Groningen! AEGEE-Groningen biedt jou leuke reisjes, Europese vrienden, congressen en lezingen in Europa, met ’s avonds geweldige feesten! Ook op lokaal niveau is AEGEE meer dan 350 leden zeker een toegevoegde waarde voor jouw studententijd in Groningen! AEGEE organiseert op 55 verschillende plekken in Europa onvergetelijke zomervakanties, de zogenaamde Summer Universities. Meer informatie hierover? Check dan snel onze Summer University pagina! Voor nu wensen we je veel plezier op onze website en hopen we je snel een keer te zien op onze borrel: elke woensdag vanaf 22.00 uur in de Brouwerij. Wil je meer weten over AEGEE-Groningen? Check dan ons online informatieboekje!

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Zowel na de KEI-week als in februari vindt er een introductieperiode plaats. Je kunt dan vrijblijvend kennismaken met AEGEE-Groningen en haar leden. Je kunt meer informatie vinden op deze site of stuur een mailtje naar: intro@aegee-groningen.nl.

Simple Sustainable Swaps for Students

  Food vector created by pch.vector – www.freepik.com Global warming and environmental pollution are hot topics these days. We are being told many times to live a more sustainable life in order to reduce our plastic waste and lower our carbon footprint. The magnitude of climate change will have detrimental effects on our planet in the upcoming decades. Temperatures will continue to rise, there will be drastic changes in weather … Read more

Think Tank: Statutes

On the 19th of April, a Think Tank was held concerning a possible statutes change for AEGEE-Groningen. The main goal of the evening was to gather information and suggestions from members and to gather the general feeling towards adapting the statutes. During the evening, we discussed the previous statutes change, including the process and the vision with which the current statutes were written. We also explained the reasons why we, … Read more

Introducing this year’s PR-Cie!

Hello dear readers, welcome to the little introduction of this year’s PR-Cie! We are the four crazy zebras that are responsible for this year’s wonderful merch, cheers to that! We promise that this year’s hoodies will be cozy on the inside. Even though it says “a monkey with a golden ring is still an ugly thing”, our hoodies most definitely will not be. The clock is ticking this year, but … Read more

Inclusion and AEGEE: Meet the Social Equity Working Group

The Social Equity Working Group is one of the new working groups of AEGEE-Europe that works to achieve a more equal society in regards to gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, discrimination based on the place of origin and discrimination based on disabilities, along with any other topic related to social equity. The working group develops activities, events, workshops and other materials in order to achieve this, by educating young Europeans. Meet … Read more

Introducing the Activity Committee

Hello everyone! As the Activity Committee, we organize multiple activities in a year, which are always a lot of fun and more informal. So by joining one of our activities, it’s easy to get to know some fellow AEGEE members over a drink, a game, or a workshop. So far, we’ve organized a pumpkin carving activity during Halloween, which resulted in very creative carving and some amazing recipes. For example, … Read more


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