Inclusion and AEGEE: Meet the Social Equity Working Group

The Social Equity Working Group is one of the new working groups of AEGEE-Europe that works to achieve a more equal society in regards to gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, discrimination based on the place of origin and discrimination based on disabilities, along with any other topic related to social equity. The working group develops activities, events, workshops and other materials in order to achieve this, by educating young Europeans. Meet … Read more

Online EPM 2021 – Circular Economy & Drafting of the Action Agenda

We all know by now that AEGEE strives for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, but what is being done in order to achieve our vision? In AEGEE we draft several documents, which clearly state out goals and how they should be achieved. Every three years, there is a new Strategic Plan, which highlights Organizational Improvements and four Focus Areas (you can find it on To achieve the goals … Read more

Extraordinary Agora: A surprising December 5th

December 5th… a special day in the Netherlands, a moment to be shared with your family. It’s when in the morning you can find nice gifts from Sinterklaas and Piet in your shoe. That’s how for some of us this day has been in the past, but not in 2020. This year the day was filled with AEGEE spirit and spent with over a hundred members of our AEGEE family. … Read more

Online Autumn Agora: Distance Can’t Stop Us!

From 15th-18th October the second Online Agora in this year has taken place. Once again, all delegates and visitors could hear each other through Edudip and Discord. Isn’t it amazing how technology allows us to discuss important matters, while being scattered all over Europe? Although the delegates of other locals were far away, our delegates – Kirsten, Djené, and Aleksandra – spent the long Agora weekend together, accompanied by the … Read more

The Quarantine Period: through the eyes of an AEGEE-Bilbao member

The day the quarantine period started in Spain, March 13th, was frustrating. More people might have the same feeling when it was announced that nobody had to go out from their homes and stop doing the things we used to do before. Trying to keep my anger under control due to the circumstances I started making different things for AEGEE as I was working from home, sometimes writing texts and … Read more


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