Sinterklaas with the AcCie

On December 5th, Pakjesavond, we organized a Sinterklaas evening! Everybody brought some gifts and a good spirit and it was time for ‘t ‘heerlijk avondje’ to begin! The beautiful dices with our faces on it were being used at our five tables.  We started the night with round one where there was options of gifts being opened or passed around. Some gifts were pretty big and people were very curious what they would be. After this round, SinterNiek made his entrance. He was welcomed by a beautiful Sinterklaas song, sung by all the members attending. This is when the chaos started. SinterNiek and his companion Hoofdpiet had gathered gossip about everybody and they really wanted to share some insights with the members. The naughty members had to come forward and were punished for their behavior this past year. He even threatened that his sack was big enough to carry all the naughty people to Spain. After that, time was up and SinterNiek had to leave. He still left with some great gossip which will never be told…  Accie still knows everything xoxo.
Despite having little time left, there was still some time to create more chaos. The presents had to be divided over the people and we started round two. This round combined passing presents around with singing Sinterklaas/Christmas songs. There was never a quiet moment during this round and Sylvia and Annemijn had a lot of fun watching this chaos unfold. One certain number meant you had to switch tables with somebody else, which led to people being pulled away from their favorite gifts. For example, people were fighting over a I love cock mug and an easel for painting.  After some time, there was an announcement that there was only a few minutes left and everybody tried to get to their favorite gift. At the end people were being very nice and traded gifts with each other so that no one left without a gift.


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