Confessions of a Network Commissioner: Why is NetCom so fun?

The Network Commission is one of the many European Bodies that you can join in AEGEE, and like any function that you can candidate for it comes with responsibilities. However, that’s not all NetCom is. NetCom is also a fair share of fun, new experiences, self-development, and deep diving into the Network. I’m Aleksandra, and I have been part of the Network Commission for 6 months and counting. I’ll share with you some of my reasons why I find NetCom fun, and why I would recommend anyone to take a leap of faith candidate for NetCom in the future. Before we go any further, here’s quickly what NetCom is about. The primary tasks are to ensure the smooth functioning of the AEGEE locals that form the Network; and to enhance the internal communication both within the Network itself, and between the Network and AEGEE-Europe. Let’s begin…

1. Dream Team

What is your first thought when you hear the word ‘teamwork’? Some people might be dreading it and instantly get flashbacks to the horrendous times of group work at school (or even university), but don’t panic just yet. When I say ‘Dream Team’ I mean it. In NetCom you get to work with a group of up to 10 AEGEEans that bring their own unique AEGEE experience to the table. It is the fusion of the ambiance of the NetCommies’ locals and their involvement in AEGEE events & functions both at the local and European level, that create a remarkable team dynamic and therefore your Dream Team.

In NetCom you get to meet your Dream Team online on a weekly basis, and up to two times in your term at a Live Meeting (yes, this one preferably happens in person ?). As the meetings go by the bond among the group tightens and before you know it, the chat is swarmed with memes of your Dream Team. It’s a one-of-a-kind bond that you form – since most of the time you see each other just online, but the bond is absolutely unforgettable.

2. Greet, Meet, Guide, Repeat

As a NetCommie you have the honor of working with many locals. The process starts with the local distribution, and once the final version is published it is your time to act. The first step is to greet the board members of your newly assigned locals and introduce yourself, as well as set expectation for your collaboration. Then you meet the faces behind the locals in an online meeting. It’s much nicer to work together after a more ‘in person’ meeting, rather than just texting or emailing. The third step, which is guiding can happen in many forms. It can be as small as sharing an email address of another European Body, to as big as you can only imagine! Seriously though, it can be anything related to Development Plans, Antenna Criteria, recruitment strategies and many more. Last but not least, the process repeats! Either there will be a board switch or a change in the local distribution (which by the way happens again after the Autumn Agora. The first distribution though is in place from the 1st of July – the beginning of the NetCom term). Then it goes Greet, Meet, Guide… and Repeat! ? Don’t underestimate the fun of sharing your expertise and helping out fellow AEGEEans.

3. Build a Network Area

Do you wanna build a snowman Network Area? ⛄️ Yes, you do! It will be challenging but you got this ?. There are many ways to go about it, but essentially you want to foster a bond among the locals in your area. This can open up opportunities for collaborations such as exchanges, or even organizing an event together. Furthermore, it’s a great place to exchange best practices outside of NWMs or other events. Building up this bond usually starts small, perhaps with online social events, and can lead to an in person big Area event ❤️. You don’t have to do it alone though, SubCommies can help you with it! It’s possible to customize your Network Area as you wish, give it a cool name, design a cool logo. Enjoy the process!

4. Events events events events

In your NetCom term you will be able to organize a range of events, which is super cool if you ask me. Let it be a NWM, RTC, Area event, or NetCom trip (it’s event like okay 🙂 … you get to travel to one of your locals and offer support on a topic that is needed (e.g., recruitment, or board management). With these events you get to plan the content of it, meet awesome AEGEEans, and get a better understanding of each local. Being a NetCommie comes with great responsibility, and with great fun. It’s an opportunity to develop new skills, like for example preparing a session for a NWM, or an interesting program for an Area event that suits the needs of the locals.

5. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the smartest of them all?

Don’t worry, it is not you. It is okay to not know something if you are a NetCommie. You might not know all the answers to all questions that you receive, but you will know where to ask next to find out. You might wonder how can that be considered ‘fun’, to not know something? Well through your own experience you learn a lot and you are also more likely to remember it if you go through the process of trying to figure it out. And if you get asked the same question twice, you’ll know what to do the second time around (at least hypothetically ?).

These are just a few fun aspects of being a Network Commissioner. I hope this short article sparked your interest to check out further this cool Commission. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to me or directly to NetCom via Seize your chance at the upcoming Spring Agora Enschede and apply for NetCom! Fun is guaranteed.


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