Walk with a stranger

Op: 09-04-2021
Locatie: Groningen

Georganiseerd door: Board

Facebook Event

Tired of sitting at home when seeing the weather slowly to turning to Spring? ? Need a break from studying? Want to meet new people? Then join us on the 9th of April for a ‘Walk with a Stranger’ organised with IFMSA-Groningen! During this walk you can enjoy the nice weather, meet someone new and go on a short scavenger hunt through the city and find all the checkpoints! ? Signing up can be done by filling in your available time slots (from 9 am to 5 pm) in this form https://forms.gle/J5raTc47S3g5zYBQ6 ?

Niet alle activiteiten zijn open voor niet-leden, wil je je ergens voor opgeven of meer informatie neem dan vooral contact met ons op via deze pagina of mail naar board@aegee-groningen.nl


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