Training – local safe persons, sexual harassment and consent

Op: 29-05-2020
Start om: 12:00 uur
Locatie: Online

Georganiseerd door: Board

Facebook Event

WHAT – Local safe persons, sexual harassment and consent – an introduction
WHEN – 29th of May, 12.00 – 16.00 CEST
WHERE – online
WHO – members of the Pancake Area
APPLY – via the form below before the 21st of May, 23.59 CEST

In recent years AEGEE has addressed the topic of consent and sexual harassment through S.M.A.S.H.: Structural Measures Against Sexual Harassment. AEGEE has further enlarged its pool of members who are trained to prevent, detect and react to cases of sexual harassment (named Safe Persons).

In the ???????????? you will be briefed about the accomplishments of S.M.A.S.H. and the ways you can ask for support from Safe Persons for your local.

After the lunch break there are two parallel sessions.

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Many locals in the Pancake Area ? have appointed safe persons (vertrouwenspersonen) within their association. Being a safe person for a local means possibly being confronted with a broad range of issues, beyond sexual harassment.
This session will provide information about what it means to be a safe person for your local and what steps you can take to develop yourself as a safe person. The workshop is suitable for current safe persons and those who are interested to become one in the future.

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In this session you will learn more about preventing, detecting and reacting to cases of sexual harassment.

The training is open to everyone in the Pancake Area, but please sign up via the form below before the 21st of May, 23.59 CEST.

This training is an initiative by the SubCom of the Pancake Area in collaboration with trainers who have been educated through the S.M.A.S.H. project.

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