Intro: Around the World Pubquiz

Op: 09-09-2021
Start om: 20:00 uur
Locatie: To Be Announced

Georganiseerd door: Introduction Committee

Facebook Event
Hello, hello!
Its time for AEGEE-Groningen’s first introduction activity. Join us for your very first trip of the year in the Around the World Pubquiz ??!!!
This activity will take you all over the world and test your knowledge. Winning will also earn you a little prize ? so come on by and give it your best! But not to worry, you don’t have to be an expert to have fun. Come meet some amazing people, have a drink or two, get in the AEGEE spirit, and learn some things about the world??! Joining the pubquiz will cost at most €4,-.
We will make sure to fill up the teams so you can sign up with (a) friend(s) or let us partner you up. Use this form to sign up now:

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