Excursion to ter Aar

Van: 01-07-2021 t/m 04-07-2021
Start om: 16:30 uur
Locatie: Ter Aar

Georganiseerd door: Excursion Committee

Facebook Event
Dear AEGEEans,
We are happy to announce that the ExcurCie could finally organize the first physical excursion! The excursion will be in the beautiful town of Ter Aar, in Zuid-Holland ??, so for both Dutch and internationals it will be a great opportunity to discover an amazing place in the country you are living in, and of course, travel with all your AEGEE friends again!
We will go seightseeing and do a lot of fun activities
Don’t forget to sign up to make new memories with fellow AEGEEans! Sign up/off is possible until the 27th June.
Date: 2-5 July
Price: €60 (maximum-transport excluded)
Covid safety: It is mandatory to take a (self)test in advance.

Niet alle activiteiten zijn open voor niet-leden, wil je je ergens voor opgeven of meer informatie neem dan vooral contact met ons op via deze pagina of mail naar board@aegee-groningen.nl


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