Workshop: EU Elections

Op: 16-05-2019
Start om: 20:00 uur
Locatie: Harmoniebuilding room 1312.0013

Georganiseerd door: European Committee

Facebook Event

The European elections are coming up, but a lot of people don’t know yet on which parties they can vote or where the European Parliament actually decides on.

We invite Milos Labovic from EUKNOWHOW who will tell us all about the EU and this years elections. He has worked in Brussels himself as a lobbyist and is a frequent speaker at universities and in the media.
Therefore he knows all the ins and outs of the European Union. He’ll give us some practical information about how to vote, on who you can vote and what happens after the results.

So do you want to make sure you’re well prepared for the upcoming elections or do you want to know more about how the European Union works, make sure you come to this workshop on the 16th of May at 8pm in the Harmony Building.

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