BorrelHop Enschede

Van: 25-04-2023 t/m 26-04-2023
Start om: 18:30 uur
Locatie: Sociëteit Asterion, Oude Markt 24

Georganiseerd door: External Activity

Dear members!

Did you know that AEGEE-Enschede is the only AEGEE local with their own pub?
And did you know that on Tuesday April 25 we are welcome to join their social drink there? ? Come and join the borrelhop to our friends in the east, where we’ll enjoy their gezelligheid, cheap drinks and a beer pong competition! ?
AEGEE-Enschede also offers a pub dinner beforehand! Surprise yourself with delicious grilled dishes while you’re in the pub enjoying a beer. On the menu are tender spareribs, sticky chicken wings, grilled chicken skewers,? fresh potatoes with herbs and a fresh salad of the house. Ofcourse in case of diets and/or allergies they will make sure that there is an alternative.
– The social will start at 20:30
– Dinner will be at 18:30 (costs are €5,50)
– The location is Sociëteit Asterion, Oude Markt 24

The earlier you sign up the higher your chances for hosting are!
So sign up quick!!

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