Results Think Tank “AEGEE-Groningen App”

The topic of the Think Tank on the 5th of October was the AEGEE-Groningen Application. The main goal of the evening was to discuss the future of the project, which has been worked on for the last couple of years, and to assess the enthusiasm of our members for an alternative. During the evening we discussed the past experiences of the members who worked on the project, why the app … Read more

5 tips voor het starten van een bedrijf in je studententijd

Je studententijd is zonder twijfel een van de leukste periodes van je leven. Waar je eerder juist volop tijd had voor feestjes en sociale activiteiten is dat in 2020 door corona even anders. Toch is er ontzettend veel animo voor studentenverenigingen dit jaar; nog meer dan de jaren hiervoor. Dit komt onder andere omdat er geen fysieke college is en er geen feestjes zijn, waardoor een vereniging een van de … Read more

Interview: the XXXIIth board versus Corona

Just before the end of this year’s AEGEE-Groningen Board year and the search for the new board, Corona happened. The timing was interesting and it gave us the opportunity to interview the board in order to gain some insight about how Corona has affected them, as well as some advice for the members during these troubling times. Name some of the best moments you experienced while being a member of … Read more

Results Think Tank “The working language of AEGEE-Groningen”

The topic of the Think tank held on the 10th of December 2019 was the working language within our association. The main goal of the evening was de presentation of and the discussion about a proposed timeline, composed by the board, in order to eventually fully translate all aspects of our association to English. The proposed timeline consisted of five translating goals: the General Members Assembly (GMA), the new Strategic … Read more

Board of AEGEE-Groningen: the XXXIInd edition

Beloved member, You might have noticed us already during (introduction) activities, the social drink or maybe while wandering the streets in the city center. Perhaps you’ve even been approached by us to have a short slightly awkward committee conversation. Or maybe you just recognize our faces from the posts in the Facebook group and Instagram Stories. It’s been over two months since we were installed as the XXXIInd Board of … Read more


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