Welcome to the website of AEGEE-Groningen, the European student travel association in Groningen! We offer you great trips, European friends, congresses and lectures in Europe, combined with awesome parties. In Groningen, AEGEE has 350 members, but all over Europe we are represented in 40 countries with 13.000 members! Are you an international student in Groningen who wants to know more? Swing by at one of our weekly Social Drinks at the Brouwerij from 10 p.m. onward, or send an e-mail to board@aegee-groningen.nl. Are you a member of another AEGEE-local and want to visit the beautiful city of Groningen? If that is the case, we would love to meet you and show you around! Contact our European Affairs Director for more information: europeanaffairs@aegee-groningen.nl.

Become a member

Are you interested in AEGEE-Groningen? Do you want to become a member or would you like to receive some more information? Click here and fill in the membership form, or ask for more information. You can become a member throughout the whole year and our annual membership fee is €50.

Introduction periods

After the KEI-week and in February, an introduction period takes place. You can get to know AEGEE-Groningen and her members better without any obligations. You can find more information on this site or send an email to: intro@aegee-groningen.nl.

Colombia: The country of….

 Colombia, the country of which most people only know one thing: Pablo Escobar and his cocaine. However, if there is anything that Colombians really want it is to finally move beyond that period in time. If there is anything that can frustrate them it’s tourism that doesn’t go further than Pablo Escobar tours & Narcos. Therefore, I am happy to help them by saying that after four months in Colombia … Read more

Magic Meike in Malta

So where to start? Let’s say I didn’t really plan to go to Malta. But oh well, to not go too much into details, I pretty much decided one day that Malta was a pretty good place to do an internship. Then I had to arrange everything in one month, which was not a lot of time and brought a lot of stress. Around that time I was really trying … Read more

The Introduction Committee’s introduction

  Get ready for some very fun introduction activities this year, because there are a lot of dedicated members in this year’s introduction committee! Even though one of them is obsessed with cats and two others are looking at each other more than at the tasks at hand, they were able to create some fun events for February’s introduction period. Since this introduction period has already begun, it seemed like … Read more

My Autumn Agora Catania

Last September, the Autumn Agora took place in the majestic city of Catania. The Agora is the General Members Assembly of AEGEE-Europe during which about 800 members from all locals throughout Europe gather in one city to debate on thematic topics, discuss in which direction AEGEE should head and party like there’s no tomorrow. This was my second Agora after Agora Enschede and well, it blew my mind away. So, … Read more

The days after the introduction period for the IntroCie

It was a really busy period! Every week we had at least two activities to think of, prepare and coordinate. For me as a commission member is was a reasonable investment: time, money, blood, sweat and tears. But the profits, if i may speak for myself, are experience, knowledge, contacts and a lot of new friend requests on facebook. Besides these numerations about costs and profits it was also very … Read more


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