Europe Week

Geopolitics: Risks and Possibilities for Conflict Resolutions

Europe is increasingly required to assume greater responsibility for its own well-being and security. In the first part of the lecture, Caecilia van Peski will address issues regarding peace and security not only in Europe but as well as around the world. The talk starts with the perception and awareness of risk and threat in today’s society. Examples will be given both from the national, regional as well as international levels (Afghanistan, Ukraine, Georgia, Russia federation), all with respect to changes in geopolitical realities. Together with the audience, the speaker will explore the concept of strategic autonomy for Europe.
The second part of the event will point at opportunities for Modern-day Conflict Resolution by use of the UN Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Specific attention will be given to SDG #16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), which promotes peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and the building of effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Specific attention will be given to the importance of (individual, community and societal) resilience.

Date: Monday 21st of February

Time: 20:00

Location: Van Swinderen Huys

Free of charge

Link to Facebook:

Panel Discussion: Groningen as a Cosmopolitan European City

Dear student,
What do you think about living in Groningen? Do you want to know who is representing the citizens of the city? Do you have any ideas how the city could be improved? If you answered yes to any of these questions, think no further as this will be interesting for you!
On the 16th of March, municipality elections will be held in the Netherlands and so in Groningen. In light of these elections, AEGEE-Groningen will host a panel discussion with four representatives from various political parties (D66, GroenLinks, Student en Stad and the VVD). They will share their views on the topic of ‘Groningen as a Cosmpolitan European City’. To be part of the audience and to ask questions to the speakers, please join us on Tuesday 22nd of February at 19.00 in the Van Swinderen Huys!

Date: Tuesday 22nd of February

Time: 19:00

Location: Van Swinderen Huys

Free of charge

Link to Facebook:

European Night

We are super excited to invite you to this year’s EUROPEAN NIGHT!!! ????? On Wednesday 23 February we will host an evening full of food (and drinks) from all over Europe!! You don’t want to miss this famous AEGEE tradition! ✨
The European Night is all about sharing European cultures (and drinks) with each other! ? The European Night is often part of any international AEGEE event, so it’s a great way to learn (more) about our amazing European association! ✈️☀️?
We ask you all to bring food and a bottle of liquor from a European country. ?????? If you are an international yourself, you can bring something typical from your own country, but if you are Dutch we will assign a country to you (because we expect many Dutch people and we want as many different countries)! The activity itself is free, so we ask you to spend about €6 on the food/drinks. ?
The European Night will take place on Wednesday 23 February at 19.00??
You can sign up here until the 20th of February:

Date: Tuesday 23rd of February

Time: 18:30

Location: AC De Holm

Costs: €6,-

Link to Facebook:

European Lunch

Hey AEGEEans, do you like food? Do you like trying different kinds of food? Join us then on our upcoming Topo Tapas event for Europe week! Here, we will serve you several dishes from different types of European cuisine, and you will then be quizzed on where you think the dishes are from. Enjoy a nice afternoon with friends while getting a (literal) taste of European culture.

You can sign up for this activity here until the 22nd of February:

Date: Tuesday 24th of February

Time: 14:00

Location: Wiebengacomplex

Costs: €5

Link to Facebook:


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