Walking GeoGuessr

Van: 26-04-2021 t/m 02-05-2021
Start om: 9:00 uur
Locatie: In your city!

Georganiseerd door: Activity Committee
Did you discover walking is your new hobby during corona times? Or do you want to explore some more places in Groningen? Join the “walking geo-guessr” organized by the Activity Committee?. This activity will last from the 26th of April until the 2nd of May and during this week you will have time to complete several challenges in which you will have to find a specific location?& make pictures. You can sign up as a team (2-3 people) or individually and we will then assign you to a team. Are you not in Groningen, but still want to join the challenge? We will make an additional challenge which you can do in your own city!
Sign up (before 23 April 23.59): https://forms.gle/DLwaGy82pRej7Q4W8

Niet alle activiteiten zijn open voor niet-leden, wil je je ergens voor opgeven of meer informatie neem dan vooral contact met ons op via deze pagina of mail naar board@aegee-groningen.nl


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