Intro activity: Picknick

Op: 17-09-2019
Start om: 16:00 uur
Locatie: Noorderplantsoen

Georganiseerd door: Introduction Committee

Facebook Event

Alright (future) AEGEEans, feeling hungry perhaps?

On September 17th, we, the Introduction Committee, will organise a delicious Picknick for you! What better way to meet new people than while eating (who doesn’t love food) and drinking beers! We will bring meat, baguettes, salads, all other forms of snacks and plenty of drinks. In return, we hope you guys will bring your happy faces to the Noorderplantsoen to make it a Picknick to remember ?️????

You can sign up by filling in the form:

We hope to see you there! The exact location in the Noorderplantsoen will be announced later.

PS. We will be very happy if you would bring a blanket along

PPS. The costs are free! All the more reason to join us

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