Intro: ’00s Pubquiz

Op: 25-02-2021
Start om: 20:00 uur
Locatie: Discord

Georganiseerd door: Introduction Committee

Facebook Event
How nostalgic are you for the ’00s? Do you know everything 2000-2010 ?? Or maybe you are an expert on the music we all grew up with ?? Show us what you’ve got in a quiz that will leave us all thinking; I remember that! There will even be a small prize for the winners available to be picked up or delivered to you in Groningen.
We will place you into small groups where you will work together to be the best ??! Want to sign up with a friend? Leave your friend’s name in the form and we will put you together.
Show us just how much you know of this decade on February 25th, 20:00, on Discord. The quiz is free and if you need some help with Discord you can let us know in the form.
So don’t hesitate and sign up before February 23rd!

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