Halli Galli Society Founding Activity

Op: 09-03-2021
Start om: 20:30 uur
Locatie: Discord

Georganiseerd door: Societies

Facebook Event
On the 9th of march the first activity of the Halli Galli Society will take place!!??
Yes you read that right! The FIRST activity and definitely not the last one, that’s for sure!?
You don’t want to miss this because I guarantee you, it wil be awesome and a night that you’ll never forget..?
The program of the night is still a bit of a secret but I’ll give you a little clue… it will contain a lot of fruit! ???
But no really.. a lot of fruit! Like.. some fruity games and even a bit of real fruit! WHAATT?
So, if you are as excited as we are then come join us!?

Niet alle activiteiten zijn open voor niet-leden, wil je je ergens voor opgeven of meer informatie neem dan vooral contact met ons op via deze pagina of mail naar board@aegee-groningen.nl


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