Barlecture: The Big Data era, can we be happy about it?

Op: 13-12-2018
Start om: 20:00 uur
Locatie: Café-Bistro Kult

Georganiseerd door: Europacommissie

Facebook Event

The Big Data era, can we be happy about it? 
On Thursday the 13th of December the Europacie of AEGEE Groningen is organising a fun and interactive bar lecture for you! Reinder Broekstra is going to tell us about both the benefits as well as the ethical and social questions that come with sharing our data on the internet. It is a free and open event so everyone who’s interested in this topic is very welcome to join us at Café the Kult at 8 pm!

Short summary: Innovative Information and Communication Technologies, i.e. the integration of databases on various dimensions, including demographic data, health data, and consumer preferences, may have important societal and individual benefits. Although it generates innovative knowledge that can serve a public or common good, it also relates to several concerns such as privacy violations, discrimination, and restriction of autonomy. Society is now challenged to reflect on the ever “increasing interconnectivity in data-rich contexts” (Mittelstadt 2015), and the ethical and social challenges it poses. What are the dilemmas this Big Data era brings in a globalized context? What personal data do you share, and should you share? This bar lecture is a quest to decide how happy you are with this Big Data era, and how you could turn your unhappiness with data sharing in happiness. Thus, don’t worry and be happy by joining this fun and fruitful event.

Reinder Broekstra, is a PhD-candidate at the University of Groningen/UMCG. His research focuses on the ethical and psychological dimensions of Big Data. His PhD project explores the perception of Big Data and factors related to participation in Big Data research. He holds a master’s degree in Psychology and has a background in applied research.

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