Welkom op de website van AEGEE-Groningen, dé Europese studentenreisvereniging van Groningen! AEGEE-Groningen biedt jou leuke reisjes, Europese vrienden, congressen en lezingen in Europa, met ’s avonds geweldige feesten! Ook op lokaal niveau is AEGEE meer dan 350 leden zeker een toegevoegde waarde voor jouw studententijd in Groningen! AEGEE organiseert op 55 verschillende plekken in Europa onvergetelijke zomervakanties, de zogenaamde Summer Universities. Meer informatie hierover? Check dan snel onze Summer University pagina! Voor nu wensen we je veel plezier op onze website en hopen we je snel een keer te zien op onze borrel: elke woensdag vanaf 22.00 uur in de Brouwerij. Wil je meer weten over AEGEE-Groningen? Check dan ons online informatieboekje!

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Zowel na de KEI-week als in februari vindt er een introductieperiode plaats. Je kunt dan vrijblijvend kennismaken met AEGEE-Groningen en haar leden. Je kunt meer informatie vinden op deze site of stuur een mailtje naar: intro@aegee-groningen.nl.

Strive to be a SUcceeder, tHRive to be a leader!

Dear fellow AEGEEans! You might have already heard stories about the Summer University, an event that takes place during the summer of approximately two weeks in most of the cities that AEGEE is present. This is one of those stories which involves 2 weeks, 3 locations, 10 nationalities and 30+ people. Which one? The Summer University of Tallinn and Tartu! And the big question for all the new members is … Read more

The best way to learn a language is your own way

In linguistics, we often talk about two main types of motivation for learning a language: instrumental and integrative motivation. Instrumental motivation means that you are motivated to learn a language for practical reasons, such as professional advancement, business, integrating in order to benefit from rights accorded to citizens, or because the colonial oppressors do not allow you to use your own language when dealing with governmental administration or in court. … Read more

15 guilty pleasures of AEGEE-Groningen

My guilty pleasure is that ONLY ONCE A YEAR(!) I like to dress myself as a hot chick. – Calvin B. Dancing, so I can lose my energy. – Roger O. H. My guilty pleasure is Dragostea din tei by O-Zone, which I rediscover every three weeks and put on repeat because of the crazy catchy beat. – Annelies K. Playing with Lego, so I can forget about everything and … Read more

NWM Groningen April 2018: A look into the educational side of AEGEE

Network meetings? I have heard of them, but I have never had the pleasure of attending one until this year in April, when one took place in my hometown: Groningen! To be honest, the educational side of AEGEE is a side  that never really grabbed my attention. Nevertheless, I felt I had to experience it at least once. So, I decided to just give it a chance and applied for … Read more

The Summer University committee

Our almighty leader is Nikki, she is hearty, always happy and cares A LOT about the happiness of others. At the moment she’s very, very busy with graduating and becoming the teacher we all dreamed of when we were young, so hopefully when you come party with us during the SU we can have a huge celebration. We have faith in you, Nikki! Seeing how you handle the committee responsibly … Read more


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