New Year’s Resolutions

Omg help. We are almost living in 2020, and to us it still feels like the far away future, don’t you agree? However, it is not, and for most people, the beginning of a new year marks the beginning of change. Will you finally stop smoking? Or will you finally take the leap to make the journey of your life?  We have been doing some research among notorious AEGEE-Groningen people … Read more

Sustainable Traveling

I know, this topic could be rather contradictory. Traveling is the opposite of being sustainable. Especially during the 21st century, these two topics collide. Firstly, this is the first time period that we all have the opportunity to travel. You can guess the counterpart: global warming. It makes you worried for the future of our planet. They have don’t have the best correlation. So how to keep on traveling, but … Read more

The challenging, elusive but wildly interesting European level – HRC edition

From your own fellow local reporting from the HRC: Roger Op Heij. Here is another piece from your fancy editorial committee chairman, who also seems to be part of the HRC on European level. Say who? The HRC, the Human Resource Committee. What is that, the HRC, and what do they do? The committee focuses to help the network to stimulate and activate you and every other AEGEE member, to … Read more

Meet the Editorial Committee!

Dear members of AEGEE-Groningen, Have you seen lovely articles in the Gronoloog? Have you ever wondered who delivered you these wonderful stories and informational articles? That would be us! The three headed Editorial Committee! We love to hear what is going on and talk about what we experienced. This year we will keep you updated and informed with what is going on and what you will need to know in … Read more

The best way to learn a language is your own way

In linguistics, we often talk about two main types of motivation for learning a language: instrumental and integrative motivation. Instrumental motivation means that you are motivated to learn a language for practical reasons, such as professional advancement, business, integrating in order to benefit from rights accorded to citizens, or because the colonial oppressors do not allow you to use your own language when dealing with governmental administration or in court. … Read more


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